Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let your light shine

"At times our light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us - Albert Schweitzer"

To say that I was having a rough day would be a bit of an understatement, homesickness had set in big time, I had an aching and a craving for all those things and people that were known and dear to me, I was tired and cranky as insomnia had set in once again, add to that the fact that I was having a messy disagreement with the agency that I work for here in Thailand where everything was conveniently being "lost in translation" and my complaints misconstrued as things that they were not... Yes rough day would be a understatement.

Most of my classes had been cancelled for the day and I found myself with way too much time on my hands for those sneaky self defeating thoughts to set in. Giving in to the lure of the social media I was trying to avoid for a whole set of other self defeating reasons, I happened to connect with one of my old students who I had not had the opportunity to say goodbye to before leaving SA.

After hearing that I was away she shared with me that she missed me and told the story of how she had found my classes in a very dark time in her life, and how the way I taught a more spiritual personal based class touched her and helped her to move through some of the things she was going through.

This sharing of the immense personal power that yoga has and how being a teacher I am able to facilitate and create a space for people where they are have access to these transformational experiences on their mats literally brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me that there are always larger things at play in this life, things that are bigger than us and often beyond our human level of understanding. It reminded me that the tough times pass and the show of our character is how we deal with them until they do.

We often forget the power that our words and deeds have to influence the lives of others in whatever way, how the smile or the kind word, surprise hello, hug or reminder of love, may just make that persons day.

Before we can have global transformation there needs to be transformation and growth at a personal level, a reconnection and honesty within human relationships, a reminder of the importance of integrity and respect.

We are all walking our own unique path and fighting our own inner battles, lets be reminded each day to let our inner light shine, no matter how wrapped up we are in our own dramas, to extend kindness and love wherever and whenever possible. And to give thanks either silently but preferably out loud to those who have touched our lives, who shone their lights or extended their hands or hearts in times when we found ourselves lost, in places of darkness or just needing a little reassurance, and to pass this kindness on to others.

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