Tuesday, October 8, 2013

love wins..

for true love i know exists
is the love i can't resist....

i want to meet you again for the first time, after many days and months of knowing you, again and again, as our journey has unfolded over years and lifetimes
i want to catch a glimpse of that familiar smile and feel my breath catch for just a moment as a remembrance of us is awakened, feeling your fingers reach shyly to clasp mine as the story of lives are again entwined

i want to meet you again for the first time and lie on the soft earth beneath the trees, mother nature embracing us in her tenderness
both spent from the meeting again of a longing that is always there in the background, sharing togetherness in this place of beauty as we forget that the outside world exists

i want to lose myself again in your embrace for the first time, being surprised at the instant and familiar comfort i find there, as we fall asleep in the backseat of a car, a tent, a single bed, limbs entwined, sharing space so easily

i want to dance with you again for the first time, as we find that our bodies move naturally in the same rhythm,
sharing a totally unguarded moment of intimacy as we dance together through the cosmos

i want to open again to the fullness that is me as our bodies find each other in that familiar rhythm that we share

i want to lose myself in our story, in a virtually created world of knights and nuns, donkeys and bloomers, laughing until i literally cry about some comment that has been lost in translation

i want to be opened by your enthusiasm again, spurred on by your support

i want to meet you in a place where the rules of this dating game are  not governed by conventions, where a girl can write beautifully soppy heartfelt poetry to a boy,
a world where it doesn't mean you're just not that into me because you can't choose me,
 where the fact that you don't move mountains to be with me and don't fight for my affections with some grand gesture, means that i am just not really that important to you

i want to meet you again for the first time in a world where i am less sensitive and you are more open,
where i am more patient and you are less so
a world where we were both less likely to run and hide and more inclined to just be, to find joy, to find a way
a world where i could understand all the realities and practicalities, pick up my pieces and walk away without forever turning back to see where you are

i want to meet you again for the first time
and feel my heart broken again for the first time, knowing that were it not for this ending, there also would've been no sweet beginning

maybe we can meet again for the first time after many days, months and years
on a white sandy beach, sipping cocktails, jamming barefoot under a starlit sky on a mountain top next to a glistening river that flows into the sea,

maybe we can meet for a cup of tea on a mountain under a forest canopy

and maybe we can hold hands again, forgetting the heartbreaks the world has caused us,
the separation we sometimes feel, the complexity of our egos, all our reasoning and logic,
and maybe we can stay in that place for a day, a month, a year, reveling in our togetherness for a while

i want to sit on a veranda with you, under a canopy of flickering fairy lights, as we take in the vastness of the open sky sprinkled with glittering, glistening of far off stars
listening to the soothing breaking of waves on the shore as the full silver moon, pregnant with possibilities, reflects our contentment upon the dark rolling waters of the sea

i want to walk along that beach of togetherness, feeling the soft white sand crunching beneath bare feet, as the breeze carries sweet distant music to our meeting..

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let your light shine

"At times our light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us - Albert Schweitzer"

To say that I was having a rough day would be a bit of an understatement, homesickness had set in big time, I had an aching and a craving for all those things and people that were known and dear to me, I was tired and cranky as insomnia had set in once again, add to that the fact that I was having a messy disagreement with the agency that I work for here in Thailand where everything was conveniently being "lost in translation" and my complaints misconstrued as things that they were not... Yes rough day would be a understatement.

Most of my classes had been cancelled for the day and I found myself with way too much time on my hands for those sneaky self defeating thoughts to set in. Giving in to the lure of the social media I was trying to avoid for a whole set of other self defeating reasons, I happened to connect with one of my old students who I had not had the opportunity to say goodbye to before leaving SA.

After hearing that I was away she shared with me that she missed me and told the story of how she had found my classes in a very dark time in her life, and how the way I taught a more spiritual personal based class touched her and helped her to move through some of the things she was going through.

This sharing of the immense personal power that yoga has and how being a teacher I am able to facilitate and create a space for people where they are have access to these transformational experiences on their mats literally brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me that there are always larger things at play in this life, things that are bigger than us and often beyond our human level of understanding. It reminded me that the tough times pass and the show of our character is how we deal with them until they do.

We often forget the power that our words and deeds have to influence the lives of others in whatever way, how the smile or the kind word, surprise hello, hug or reminder of love, may just make that persons day.

Before we can have global transformation there needs to be transformation and growth at a personal level, a reconnection and honesty within human relationships, a reminder of the importance of integrity and respect.

We are all walking our own unique path and fighting our own inner battles, lets be reminded each day to let our inner light shine, no matter how wrapped up we are in our own dramas, to extend kindness and love wherever and whenever possible. And to give thanks either silently but preferably out loud to those who have touched our lives, who shone their lights or extended their hands or hearts in times when we found ourselves lost, in places of darkness or just needing a little reassurance, and to pass this kindness on to others.

Monday, September 9, 2013

dance our hearts on fire

Take my hand, and I take yours
Let’s dance these hearts on fire

Feel the beating heart of the great mother beneath bare feet
Pulsing up through you, filling your emptiness with her embrace
Slowly she awakens the dormant spirit within

Feel your spirit being lit up as your ancestral roots are awakened once again
Feel your heart beat as it matches the beating of all creation

As it opens to the love and light filling your being
And let the beat slowly start to fill the hollowness of your bones and light up all those dark and empty spaces within

Feel yourself being moved by the tribal force of the great mothers dance
Stomp your feet, move your hips, throw your arms out to the wind and the sun
Let the rhythm move you into this cosmic dance

Where you and I are one, one with each other and one with all of creation
All separation melts away as you merge with the universal rhythm and beat of all creation
Dancing and stomping, tumbling and twirling all thoughts are flying into the wind
Finding again the true rhythm of your unique beating heart and let it merge with the beating of the world

Dancing our hearts on fire

Feel the sacredness of this dance
Be engulfed by divinity
Let the beat of the mother hold you always in her sacred embrace
As you allow the music and the melody to move you

Let all the barriers and the masks fall away
Let the beat stomp out all separation,
Fears and worries to move down through your feet
To be absorbed and absolved by the healing powers of the earth

Let my light and your light merge into a spiralling of hearts
As we dance our hearts on fire

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We think we have time


"The trouble is you think you have time"

The moments of silence and solitude I find myself in these days have afforded me insight into all the things and people we take for granted in our every day lives. Noses to the grindstone, all stuck in our routines, our busyness, our thoughts and all the distractions we find to keep the call of our hearts and souls at bay..
Our mantras now all start with one day, one day my life will be perfect, when I get this I will be happy, when I achieve this I will be happy, when I see this or that I will be happy, when the circumstances are right we will be happy… All these restrictions and conditions we put on our happiness.

We walk around with closed hearts and closed minds, never lifting our heads to see smile extended in friendship, the hand held out to steady or catch us, or welcoming the love that is given freely and with no expectation.

We hold ourselves in an eternal state of limbo, waiting for better moments, for the timing to be right, the conditions to be better. We live in a world of what ifs or maybe’s and all the while life passes us by. We miss what is right in front of us, never heeding the calls or lifting our heads to see the signs.

Nothing in life is promised to us, we are here for a breath of an inhalation and a final exhale, and then we return to join the eternal breath of the cosmos. It is the time of awakening, to let go of the old ways of being, the hurts and pains of the past, the restrictions we place on ourselves and our dreams, the playing small and playing games.

 Love with all of your being, every moment of your life, walk around with your heart wide open, wear it on your sleeve, let it touch all those you come into contact with and in turn allow it to be touched by the beauty and the light of this world.

Tell the ones you love every chance that you get how much they mean to you, give of yourself freely and open your arms to receive. In an ever changing cosmos there is no guarantee of tomorrow or next time. We really only have now, this moment, to love and to be loved, to give and to receive, to create and to inspire.

I will never again be the same person I was yesterday, she will never smile the same adoring smile she has just given you, he will never hold you the way he does right now in this moment. 

Let life sing a joyful and blissful song through you, let the tune be inspiring, uplifting and filled with love. Give thanks to those who have touched your life. Go to the places that make you happy, fill your being with joy, let life sing a beautiful song through you and dance your joy through eternity.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


There is an aching and a longing deep inside...

sometimes it is a soft whisper i hear faintly carried on the wind
other times it is the deep bone aching moan or howl that echoes from deep within....

it comes from that forgotten place we all have inside
the place we fear to tread, for it would mean standing up to all our greatness and power

it would mean a letting go and a surrendering of the stories and dramas we create to keep ourselves small

it would mean stepping into the spaces where we hold our deepest and most secret pains and losses
the faces we do not dare show the world for fear of the pain and truth that hides within them

there is a calling and a longing heard by many
its a stirring and an awakening of a truth that we have long been suppressing

the time has come to head this call, to journey to those forgotten places
where we can free ourselves from the past
where we acknowledge and love our darkness
and the broken splintering pieces within

so we may again become whole
finding our true essence
letting our inner lights shine

this is my journey into that place...